This photograph is from Peru. Sebastian named it Layers. Peru was a first time together in a land far away, with home wherever we laid our heads. We went, with heavy backpacks and no plan at all, goodbye mama, hola and gracias. We went looking for moments and places that were raw and honest – our points. When looking at Layers back then, we didn’t know what we were looking at. We saw how the layers of the photograph represented our journey to Peru whose layers we were trying to uncover but only weeks later, we realised how aligned the layers were. And only now, after months, we’ve finally come to understand the meaning of the alignment. The connection that first appeared in Peru, and what connects all our points, is you. The two layers on the photograph, two diagonals, two touching hands, they are you and me, they are what we look through and what we look for.
At our site, we show photographs of the world we walk through, and what we’ve learnt along the way. We share our words and thoughts, our memories and the music we love. We share what we see and hear, together or each on their own. Another point of you is our meeting point – a place where we connect all the floating moments, and where we look for new alignments of our layers. Another point of you can be your place to explore and learn from our points. Even though we created them through each other, without this connection, they still have singular value and beauty, and at the same time, they are here for you to create your own connection. We hope that as you explore, you can find inspiration and comfort, different ways of looking at the world and its people, and we hope that you will find feeling.